GRRR....computers, sometimes they just don't work and that's the time you realise how you get used to those things. You can't sent a quick mail, you can't "google", you just can't check anything on the just feel so unconvenienced! How did we manage for about 10 years ago....? This is the reason you didn't hear from me for a week and because my system manger (DH) is for more than a week in Dubai I couldn't get the computer started. My dear brother had the solution and "pling" the computer turned on!
Vorige week donderdag heb ik samen met een vriendin een bezoek gebracht aan de Europese Quiltkampioenschappen. We hebben ons de hele dag kostelijk vermaakt, een hele leuke ontmoeting gehad met Joen Wolfrom, maar èèn lapje gekocht :-) en verder heel veel inspiratie opgedaan.
Last thursday I visited the European Quilt Championship with my friend. We spent a very nice day, we had a very lovely meeting with Joen Wolfrom, I bought just one tiny fabric and we had a lot of inspiration.
Gisterenavond heb ik de laatste steekjes op de Round Robin van Elza geborduurd en nu staat de hele lap vol met grappige en lieve poezen.
Yesterday evening I made the last stitches on the Round Robin from Elza and the RR is filled now with funny and sweet cats
Deze ATC heb ik ontvangen van Terri uit Amerika, de eerste zending is helaas verloren gegaan in de post maar Terri was zo lief om mij een nieuw exemplaar te sturen.
This ATC I received from Terri from USA, the first cards she sent got unfortunately lost in the mail, but Terri was so sweet to sent me another one