In het glazen potje wat onder de lappen staat heb ik een klein wit lapje gepropt om het de kleur indigo te verven. De kleur van de verf was namelijk wel precies goed.....
Last sunday I visited the exhibition of Texui in Tilburg. There were artquilts from all the members to be seen and Annette Jeukens and Willy Doreleijers were on behalf of Texui present. Annette gave me a nice tour and afterwards I had a nice chat with both of the ladies. After a while the conversation turned on to "Colours of Africa" and my contribution is not finished yet and the deadline of dec 1st is coming close. This afternoon I painted two canvas pieces in rainbowcolours. The first 5 colours went well, unfortunately the colours indigo and violet turned out in one big brown spot......but that is not so bad, I can also use the first 5 colours of the rainbow.
In the little jar you can see under "the rainbows" I stuffed a white fabric to paint it the colour indigo. The colour of the paint was alright after all....