Gisteren kreeg ik ook bericht van mijn amerikaanse Fair & Square swappartner Karen dat zij de easter squares heeft ontvangen, zodat ik er nu een foto van kan plaatsen
I have won a great price! Bep made a doll while watching the Olympics, she asked her readers on her weblog to make up a proper name for this doll. Well, a doll "born" during the Olympics earns a name that has to do with the Olympics, so I choose the name Svenna as a tribute to Sven Kramer who already had a goldmedal at that time. Not knowing what troubles were coming..... Every loss though has its benefit and now the doll can be used as a doll of joy or a doll of comfort......The price I won is a Charmpack from the latest Rural Jardin series
Yesterday my american Fair & Square partner Karen sent me a note to let me know she received the easter squars I stitched for her.